The Post-American World Chapter Summary

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Bankruptcy today of one nation will affect the economies of more than one nation. Economics is a huge topic in Fareed Zakaria’s The Post American World because economies have been bursting for decades, in part due to large new players entering the global market place. He compares this era's economic growth to the economic burst of the 1890s and the 1950s, which also saw new players become global powers. The purpose of The Post American World is to inform people that other countries besides the United States are economically rising. “America was conducting business as usual, but others were joining the game” (Zakaria 221). What Zakaria means in this quote is that we the United States are doing what we have been doing and are so caught up in it that we are unaware of our standing in the world. “Modernity has come with the rise of the west and it has also taken the western face” (Zakaria 98).“The rise in the midst of economic growth is also on the local stage” (Zakaria 39). “As economic fortunes rise, so does nationalism. This is understandable. Imagine that you lived in a country that …show more content…

And that is actually for the good and that it is the result of the active spread of globalization. Zakaria advances a good deal of statistics and analysis to back his contention. He also advances his contention that the Chinese political leadership is discreet and moderate in the sense that it wants to rise peacefully rather than aggressively. This is a disagreement that is probably more his belief than a forcefully argued conclusion. However, he feels that the political system in the US is not keeping pace with the changes that are needed. He says "As it enters the 21st century, the US is not fundamentally a weak economy or decadent society. But its politics are highly dysfunctional.The political system is antiquated and is captured by money, special interests and a sensational media." (Zakaria

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