The Possibilities Opened by Learning

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I’ve always been the “smart one” of the family. Ever since I entered Middle School I’ve gotten A’s and B’s, so my parents and other family members called me smart and praised the grades I got. When they ask me why I did well in school I told them it was because I liked learning. That is my “secret” to my good grades; I love to learn. It’s just something about getting knowledge and being able to learn new things that makes me really excited. And learning, for me, doesn’t stop at the classroom. There is so much to learn from the people and world around me, and I plan to learn as much as I can. The more I learn the more I grow as a person. That’s always been my philosophy. Even though I love learning there are two things I love learning about: People in History, and just people in general. Both might sound a little weird but I learned so much from both of those.
My World History teacher in eighth grade was all about details. He would lecture us on very unit. It was a lot sometimes, but I learned so much from those lectures. He was one of the teachers that made me realize the joy of learning. History has always been one of my favorite subjects because of those little story’s the teacher could get into. There are a lot of things one can learn from people during certain times of history. Since there is so much my teacher could cover in the year I found myself going online and researching other parts of world history. I think an important part of learning is motivation, and I’m glad I had it. I loved to learn the cultures of the ancient world, and it gave me perspective of how far people have come since then. I loved learning the rulers of Egypt, especially the women ones. I just loved to go out of my own, take what I got from class and expand it. Learning about people most history teachers skips over like Hatsheput, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Amina has given me people to look up too. That’s the biggest reason why I love to learn about different things in history because I get to learn about so many people, and I look up to most of them.
I want to be an author after college, and part of being an author is people watching.

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