The Play Nunsense 2: The Musical

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The musical Nunsense II is about theatre loving nuns who put on a show, displaying their talents. This show is written by Dan Goggin and directed by Melissa Carroll-Jackson. I saw this show at Pinnacle High School on October 6th and 7th. The original Nunsense was inspired by a line of nun-themed greeting cards which Dan Goggin decided to expand into an entire musical. After the success of the first musical, he made 6 other sequels, all branching off from this core idea. Nunsense II is set after the nuns’ the first fundraiser and they are doing a show to thank their donors. But the lighthearted talent show is interrupted by the Franciscans who call Sister Amnesia one of their own. Nunsense II had good lighting, sound, set design, and costumes, …show more content…

The set used vivid colors and the different levels of height which made the set more impactful. For the most part, the set seemed sturdy, but some parts were a little shaky. When the bridge was moved into the center stage during the auction scene, as Sister Julia, Child of God, played by Matt Stone, went down the stairs the set piece shook back and forth. Also, on both of the nights I saw the show, there was a reoccurring problem with the birdcage. Repeatedly, this prop fell at moments it wasn't supposed to and this was evident in the actors’ reactions. The actors fumbled putting it back and it was clear that it was unintentional. On stage right, there was a bench that tilted forward when actors sat on it. The actors quickly recovered, but it was obvious that they weren't expecting it. I thought the costumes were great. The nuns’ habits were good and the chorus costumes were sufficient. There was a minor costume malfunction when Benson’s rosary broke, but she recovered quickly. Even though Nunsense II overall was a success, throughout the show there were small incidents. There was only one mistake that really impacted the show. During the opening scene, the spotlight is claimed not to be working, but then you hear a sound effect of the light and the spotlight turns on. One of the nights I went, the sound played early, causing the parts of the scene to be skipped. But Benson wasn't fazed and she recovered quickly. If I had not seen the show twice, I would've had no idea that there was an accident. Other than this, there were no other impactful

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