The Outsiders Literary Analysis

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As teenagers, complaints are often made about what’s unfair. Having to do chores is unfair, not getting the brand name outfit is unfair. Brought up in this age, teens don’t realize that our issue pale in comparison to what others have to deal with. In the book The Outsiders, a major theme is that life isn’t fair. Ponyboy, the main character, explains what it feels like to seem to always get the bad end of the bargain, not just for him, but his other considered Greasers. The Greasers are hardened from harsh conditions, and cruel treatment. In the book, Ponyboy struggles with the fact that based on social class and money, different opportunities open up for the people. Social classes in the book are made to be a big deal. In Pony’s mind, you were either a Soc, Greaser, or the middle class in between. There are many reinforcements for his claims, like how the Socs are much more wealthy than the Greasers. The Socs are described as having mustangs, and wearing polo shirts. Their money gives them cocky confidence, which they rub in the Greasers’ faces. On the other hand, Greasers work hard for money, not having it given to them on silver …show more content…

Every person has their own struggles, but the Greasers have been given a bucket with holes in it while we have a machine that does it for us. Looking at our situation, the Greasers have it worse, but just as Cherry Valance always says, “Things are bad all over.” My family has it's own struggle to. We are not rich, but we are not poor. We would be in the middle class somewhere between as Ponyboy would say. My parents have jobs, like Soda and Darry, and similar to them they work their butts of to provide for us. Right now, we are going through the crisis where we might lose our house. I can relate to Ponyboy, as I am in an alike situation to him; I have two people who work hard to provide for me, and give me opportunities. Thats where we vary although, my life getting easier than

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