The Outsiders Essays

  • The Outsiders

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    class while the greasers are the poor ones that dislike the Socs because they have more money, better cars, and act like they are better than the greasers. The Outsiders is a good story by S.E. Hinton that shows the struggles of growing up Hinton did a fine job with the character development, the plot, and the theme with a few flaws. The Outsiders is a book that changed the style of young adult writers because it went off from the genre that young adult writer were using during that time period. The

  • The Outsiders

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    “The Difference of Initial Inference of Identity” S.E. Hinton’s novel, The Outsiders, is at first a narrative of Ponyboy, a young outcast boy who later becomes a young man filled with identity. At the end of the novel, it is revealed that the narrative is actually Ponyboy’s autobiographical account of his quest for a place in society. The symbols and motifs of The Outsiders contribute immensely to the novel’s most prominent theme: Commonality between the rich and the poor is camouflaged by economics

  • The Outsiders

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    The Outsiders One day after school Ponyboy and his friend Johnny took two Soc girls out to the movies, they were walking home when five Socs jumped them. The Socs were mad at them for taking their girls on dates. Bob (one of the Socs) was about to drown Ponyboy in a fountain when Johnny lost it and stabbed him. The Socs ran and so did Johnny and Ponyboy. After this incident they ran to a church outside of town. One day the church catches on fire. Johnny and Ponyboy save the kids that were playing

  • The Outsiders

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    The Outsiders ‘The Outsiders’ is written by S.E. Hinton. It is set in the 1960s in a town in the USA. It is about the conflict of the two main teenager gangs called the Socs (short for Socials) and the Greasers. The Socs live on the West side where they live a supposedly better life with everything that they want and the Greasers live on the East side with nothing much but anger and jealousy about the Socs who always seem to be privileged in every way. The conflict (a state of disharmony

  • the outsiders

    1217 Words  | 3 Pages

    "The Outsiders" is a story that deals with a conflict between two gangs, the "Greasers" from the East Side of town and the "Socs" from the West-side of town. This is a story that is told in the first person. This book took place in the early 1960’s.The mood of the story, in my point of view, was pretty misfortunate and is a tragedy, because when you think that it couldn’t get worse, it just did. Ponyboy Curtis is the one telling the story. The novel starts off, one day, as Ponyboy is walking home

  • The Outsiders

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    The Outsiders The main character, Ponyboy he is a greaser, part of the lowest-class kids who wear their hair long and greasy, wear blue jeans and ripped-up T-shirts. There is another group of kids called the “Socs”. They were the preppy kids, the rich ones, the goody-two-shoes.The “Greasers” and the “Socs” do not get along and have their daily brawls in the street. One day, as Ponyboy is walking home from a movie, he is jumped and beaten by a gang of Socs. At the last minute, his gang of greasers--including

  • The Outsiders Analysis

    801 Words  | 2 Pages

    What being an Outsider Truly Means The title “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hinton is very transparent and requires deeper thinking to be understood, because in the end it is like an onion. You can peel of layers and layers but there is still more. Ms. Hinton never did mention who the outsiders were or outsiders at all, so what is an “outsider”? I believe that we are all outsiders, because being an outsider means to be different and to work well together because of that. Perhaps a hidden moral to the

  • Summary Of The Outsiders

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    A Summary of the Outsiders by S. E. Hinton The Outsiders By: S.E. Hinton This story is about a young boy of 14 named Ponyboy. He is part of a hood group called Greasers on the east side of town, a group of lower-class teenagers who wear their hair long and greasy, wear jeans and ripped-up T-shirts, and are at odds with the rich-kid bullies known as the Socs . This... 1,766 words 4 pages A Character Analysis of the Novel "The Outsiders" The Outsiders: Character Changes In literature, a character often

  • Diversity In The Outsiders

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    diversity to their communities. Thesis Outsiders change their surroundings for the better by introducing hpe, creativity and inspiration. Synonyms Diversity-variety, contrast, mixture Community-slum, suburb, association Topic sentences -Outsiders improve their society and allow people to express their kindness and bring out their true selves. -Outsiders do not behave the same way as everyone else and this benefits the community. -The creativity and ingenuity that Outsiders display changes their communities

  • The Outsiders Essay

    767 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Outsiders by S.E. hilton is a book about A teenager named ponyboy and his two brothers named darry and sodapop. The main plot about the story is about ponyboy going threw a lot of still with him and his brothers and friends being in a gang with a whole lot of violence and them fighting with the cops. Then ponyboy and his friend johnny got into with another gang and end up killing one of them then they ran away with some help with a fellow gang member darrel. Ponyboy and his two brother had recently

  • Ponyboy The Outsiders

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    Johnny. It wasn’t always this toilsome; it all happened on that fateful night at the park, forcing Ponyboy & Johnny out of their hometown Oklahoma, making them both feel like a pair of ‘Outsiders’. S.E Hinton inscribes a thrilling plot admirably well for the breathtaking novel ‘The Outsider’. In ‘The Outsiders’, the protagonist- Ponyboy- is jumped by the Socs in the beginning

  • Struggles In The Outsiders

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    fear that you may find yourself in a situation where you’ll be forced to use it? Do you walk around hiding your emotions because society tells you doing otherwise is not acceptable? In The Outsiders, a novel written by S. E. Hinton, these are only a fragment of the struggles the characters face. In The Outsiders there are two main gangs, the Greasers and the Socs. Both gangs participate in illegal activities. The Socs jump Greasers ‘wreck houses, and throw beer blasts for kicks.’ The Greasers ‘steal

  • Appearances In The Outsiders

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    Don't judge someone by how they look and what class they fit in.Just because they look a certain way doesn't mean they act like that. In The outsiders by S.E hinton is based off a true events that happened in S.E hinton's life in her hometown of Tulsa oklahoma. In the book The Outsiders Appearances is a major theme for the characters and it is used throughout the book. The greasers aren’t dressed as fine as the socs where the socs are dressed find and act like they have no problem.Were the greasers

  • Ponyboy In The Outsiders

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    The Outsiders PonyBoy, the main character of The Outsiders by S.E. HINTON. Ponyboy has been beaten tricked, and hurt. He is young around the age of 14 he has been through a lot more than any kid could imagine. His mom and dad were killed in a car accident, and left them to fend for themselves. Ponyboy has been living with his 2 brothers Darry and Sodapop. As well as that he is part of a gang which includes of Two-Bit, Johnny, Dally, and Steve. Ponyboy likes to read and watch movies. He’s also pretty

  • The Outsiders Essay

    625 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Outsiders written by S.E Hinton is set in Tulsa, Oklahoma during the mid 1960s. The background of the novel is to show the gaps between the rich and the poor like the Socs and the Greasers. A Greaser is being treated as an outsider in society. For example, Greasers lived on the on the eastside of town, the place described as complicated and full of danger place, while the Socs live in prosperity life. In this town, economical difference between the Socs and the Greasers cause conflict

  • The Outsiders and Its Messages

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    “The two different world we lived in weren’t so different”(41). There were unresponsible parents, dead friends, and unfaithful love. These are the kinds of problems that are faced in S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders. These problems are not just faced by one group. These problems are faced by both greasers and socs. In this book, Hinton uses Johnny’s and Bob’s parents issues, Randy’s and Dally’s loss and Bob’s and Sodapop’s sad-love stories to tell the reader that life is tough no matter what kind of social

  • The Outsiders Conflicts

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    When someone acts, they affect the future -- whether they meant to or not. In The Outsiders, there are tons of intense problems and conflicts that affect the main characters. The story focuses on a gang of boys called Greasers: Ponyboy, the main character, Darry and Soda, his brothers, Dally, Johnny, Steve, and Two-bit. Throughout the book, Pony and Darry get in a big fight, Pony and Johnny are jumped, Johnny kills a Soc in self-defense, Johnny and Pony run away, Johnny and Pony save some children

  • The Outsiders Dbq

    514 Words  | 2 Pages

    Did you know that wherever you go in the world, and there are groups, there are outsiders? That’s just humans’ nature. The book, The Outsiders, written by S.E Hilton in her junior year in Tulsa, Oklahoma, written because the Hilton was enraged at the way people separated themselves into socioeconomic groups (Doc A), but her rant about Greasers & Socs turned into a best-selling novel. This book showcases that Outsiders are not just the ones who assume they don’t fit into the society, but they are the

  • Brotherhood In The Outsiders

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    Despite the fact that the actors portrayed their parts astonishingly, the special effects, camera angles, and lighting made the movie a disappointment. The Outsiders, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, is a movie about the life of the lower class called greasers. They grow up in a rough neighborhood where it's normal for a fight to break out. The upper class, Socs, live a great life with a great education. In the movie, Ponyboy and Johnny have to run away because of a murder. Due to this, there is

  • Ponyboy In The Outsiders

    672 Words  | 2 Pages

    An outsider refers to an individual who does not belong to the society or a particular group. S.E Hinton has portrayed Ponyboy as an outsider in her popular, remarkable novel "The Outsiders", in the same way author Laurie H Anderson characterized Melinda as the outcast in her book "Speak". Both authors displayed that Melinda and Ponyboy are isolated from their society through their personalities, attitudes and their place in society. S.E Hinton has presented Ponyboy as an outsider in her novel "The