Literary Analysis Essay On The Outsiders

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According to Chris Pine, “The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it.” This quote means you can choose how you view people and things.This relates to the Outsiders because the novel is about how you choose to view people. The Outsiders is about how people shouldn’t judge others based on stereotypes and they should get to know them first. Ponyboy and Johnny met up with Dally under a streetlight. They all went to buy Cokes. They ended up stealing some Kools as well. It was dark outside and Dally enjoys breaking laws, so they snuck into “the Nightly Double drive-in movie(20)”. While there, they met two Soc girls by the name of Cherry and …show more content…

After he woke up, Darry and Sodapop went off to go to work, so Two-Bit agreed to take care of him. They went to buy Cokes “at the Tasty Freeze and rest up(114)”. As they were walking out of the store a blue Mustang pulled up. Randy and another Soc walked out of it. Randy wanted to talk to Ponyboy, so Ponyboy followed him to his car. He told Ponyboy that Bob didn’t just drunkenly jump Greasers when he was bored. Ponyboy learned that Randy didn’t like the conflict between the Socs and Greasers because “Greasers will still be Greasers and Socs will still be Socs(117)”. The Outsiders is about how you choose to view people and how you think of certain social groups. People should have a conversation with someone and get to know them before judging them. Ponyboy changed the way he thought of the Socs. At first he thought of the Socs as thugs who enjoy jumping Greasers. He later learned that Socs have problems that Greasers don’t know of and not all Socs hate Greasers. This novel is about how participating in a conversation with somone will give you a better understanding of them than judging them based on their social class

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