Reflection In Nursing

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Reflecting upon a career in nursing allows an individual to draw upon past experiences. A nurse can think about what motivated them when they first started their career and compare it to their motivations today. It offers insight as to which of the nursing code of ethics correlate to their individual nursing practice. Reflection also allows a nurse to see their progression towards their goals, or if any have changed throughout their career. When used everyday, reflection can improve our practice and allow us to transcend as care providers.
A career in nursing can have many meanings. To me, a career in nursing means caring. Caring for oneself, patients and individuals close to the patient, coworkers in healthcare, and about everyone in …show more content…

Without this trust, patients will not disclose personal information about themselves, making aiding the patient to a better health and lifestyle impossible. An environment that produces sufficient physical privacy, could include making sure the door or curtains are closed while the patient is dressing or using the toilet; or making sure the nurse-patient interactions are taking place where no one else can hear the conversation (ANA, 2015). Safeguarding patient privacy and confidentiality has become more complex as technology continues to advance. As nurses we need to be vigilant to make sure we are not sharing patient information through social media, text messages, audio recording devices, cells phones, and electronic …show more content…

My drive and passion I have for this profession can blossom with this type of degree as I can take on more responsibility and be a driving force in patient care. I also would like to become part of the American Association of Nurse Practioners and try to change the current standpoint that Nurse Practioners need a collaborating physician to an organization that stands on its own. This can further separate the connection between medicine and nursing. Lastly, I would like having a paper published in a peer-reviewed journal so I can share my work and point of view with as many nurses as possible, in hopes that they adopt the same values and virtues I have

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