Exploring the Necessity of Religion in Human Life

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The necessity of religion is a topic that has been widely debated by many people for many years. The vast majority of the 7 and a half billion people on this earth practice some sort of religion but for what purpose? Whether it’s too give people hope for an afterlife or too fuel their need for contact with others people can list hundreds of different reasons why they rely on religion but is religion actually essential to our wellbeing and and life quality on this planet?

There are thousands upon thousands of theories about why human beings need religion, one of the most popular being that we are sheep and will always need a Shepard, leader or set of rules to follow. This theory was tested by a team of psychological scientists in Ontario, Canada, by assessing whether or not religious beliefs had an effect on ones self control. The results were somewhat …show more content…

Coming to the conclusion that religious priming makes people more concerned about their reputation in the community and with their powerful deity (psychologicalscience.org) thus they would have more self control as they have a set of rules and rituals they must follow. This is exemplified in the religion of Islam in which they are effected personally because of the rituals they must follow e.g. practicing salat five times a day alongside fasting and pilgrimaging to Mecca the sacred city of Islam once in their life. They develop ethically by being expected to donate 2.5% of their savings to charity, and belief and faith in Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a messenger of god,

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