Civilization In Western Civilization

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The modern West is known for providing the world with a different culture of arts, innovation, and government. In my view, the modern West possessed a theme of revolution that outlines the main story line for Western Civilization. Thanks to the industrial revolution, Western Civilization provided people with a plethora of opportunities thanks to the revolution of math, science, and technology. These revolutions provided communities with unprecedented and undreamt of capabilities and opportunities. The industrial revolution offered means, tools and apparatuses that were never available before, and reduced distances, bringing remote locations closer while saving time, thanks to modern means of transportation which are permanently improved. Among the most important features of Western civilization is the fact that it is a constantly evolving civilization, going from one stage to another. Besides, it provides man with incentives to …show more content…

Under these conditions, man enjoys his dignity and feels liberated from fear and humiliation becoming thereby productive and useful for his fellow These are the positive aspects of Western civilization, all of them have to do with the means, tools and machines used by man. They are in fact double-edged tools which can be used either for good or evil. Even the expression "the planetary village" which was initially coined to render the reduction of distances is not a pure blessing, it may well generate a great deal of evil. Western civilization is in fact a civilization of means and capabilities not a civilization pursuing sublime objectives and finalities. There is no doubt that Western civilization has caused a unique industrial revolution in life of the world, which has become a science and technology revolution. Transformation of nature on the planet has entered a new stage, which is characterized by avalanche unpredictable

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