The Military: The Role Of Women In The Military

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Military studies are relevant to women's history, because they serve to illuminate the extremely demanding conditions under which women have successfully served in, or in support of the US Armed Forces. An improved understanding of this facet of history serves to inform the contemporary debate over women in the military and provides a useful field of study for women seeking to enter the profession of arms. Throughout history woman have fought for many rights, because they felt as though they should be held as the same equal as their male counterparts. They have fought for a few rights like: voting, being able to have jobs, and the right to fight in the military. Woman in the military has been a hot topic for a very long time and still reigns true today. The controversy about having women fighting with men in wars is the fact that they have a different physical structure, deal with stress and emotions differently, are more susceptible to injury and just don't have the killer instinct necessary to get the job done. This controversy reigns true because our society has assimilated to gendered ideologies of what the role of women should be as well as the role of men all throughout the media.
Historical View (Theme)
Women have always been apart of the American Armed Forces. Women have served in or with the military in myriad capacities. Their diverse roles included nurse, physician, laundress, armament worker and combatant. So as we can see the bulk of the serving from women has been in supporting roles. American women have demonstrated their martial courage and competence in every US war. (Small, 2012). Women have been serving in the military since 1776. (Small, 2012). They have served in the wars like: the Revolutionary War, War o...

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...nformation that allow for some information to be more easily assimilated than others. Bem argues that there are individual differences in the degree to which people hold these gender schemata. These differences are manifested via the degree to which individuals are sex-typed.” (Freebase).
Though this is very true it does not mean that changing our perspective is impossible. Just like anything in life it takes time for progress to actually be in full effect. Women in the Military is something that will take a lot of time because it has to start with people wanting to see women first and foremost as equal human beings who deserve equal opportunity in all aspects just like their male counterparts. People will have to be willing to set aside their old traditional views, so that they can begin to view Women in the military from a fresh liberal state of mind.

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