The Matrix Becoming A Reality Essay

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The Matrix Is Becoming a Reality

In the science fiction movie "The Matrix" people are ruled by Artificial Intelligence (AI), machines made by men to make life easier on the human race. This form of industrialization has also begun in our world today. We have given birth to a host of machines that think for themselves, hoping they would make our lives easier and less taxing on our bodies. In the movie the machines have taken control of the humans and rule over them by hiding from them the real world. In today's society machines have begun a hostile take over of the lives of humans. Ironic, is it not, that in the movie, and in our lives today, machines have become rulers over the humans who made them.
In the time when the movie takes place, …show more content…

What would happen? The cataclysmic apocalypse referred to in all Holy books known to mankind would reek havoc on the earth. The world would bow down to an era fraught with boundless greed and corruption, global monetary systems would collapse leaving brother to kill brother for a grain of overcooked rice. Political systems around the world would disintegrate under the pressure of mutiny. Revolutions would be spring up everywhere, started by once faithful citizens who lost hope after all the civilized nations of the world collapsed. Those humans not experienced in the ways of old would die. Young children and those humans whose every breaths are governed by machines would soon follow painlessly. The lives of all humans would depend upon their ability to produce their own food and drink. Education would become a thing of the past, humans would be left to feed themselves while trying desperately to find a way to make things better. The invention of machines has not helped humans, but actually hurt them. Humans have become dependent upon machines for survival. No humans would be left alive if machines were to shut down. All that humans have created has served to leave lay waste to the earth. The world has been left in shambles by the disease known as mankind, leaving humans no shelter from the havoc created by the machines. Ironic is it not that humans have destroyed the earth, the one thing that could sustain them in the event of the

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