The Matrix Essay

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If you’ve ever had deja vu or felt that something about the world was just off, then you might just be living in the Matrix, a digital reality. At least, that is the case in the movie The Matrix directed by the Wachowski brothers. This movie, released March 1st 1999, takes place in a very distant future after a war between humanity and machines with artificial intelligence. A young man named Thomas Anderson, who goes by Neo in his nightlife as a hacker, discovers that the world is not all he thought it to be. Neo learns the truth about his world and what he has to do to save it in this action packed science fiction film.
The Matrix was released in the year 1999 which has an impact on the theme of the film based on the cultural aspect at the …show more content…

This sparked questions from society about what is real and how could one possibly know it is real. People feared they were being blinded about why they existed and saw the film as an eye opener to the idea that there is deeper meaning in life. Society was under stress and asking questions due to millennium anxiety prior to the release of the film. Anxiety was already a major health issue, a survey in 1998 showed that 25% of Americans believed the year 2000 situation would affect them directly (Anderson). The film is set well in the future and exhibits some of the fears society had especially about technology. The ending of the millennium brought up questions very similar to the reaction of The Matrix which ties the two together. In 1999 many people in society were wondering who they were and how far were we as a society willing to go with this new technology, the same questions were asked following the release of The Matrix. The film clearly displayed machines in control of humans which instilled a fear on society from …show more content…

The movie flip flops between two worlds, “the real world” and “the matrix.” The main character, Neo, has to decide if he wants to find out more about the unknown matrix, or if he wants to return back to his normal life. Neo decides to find out more about the unknown matrix, which causes the film to become action packed with not only thriller moments, but numerous action-packed fights. “The Matrix captures the art of action” (Kleinman, 2000). The audience will get to view thrilling and action-packed fight scenes that will leave them on the edge of their seats along with cliff hangers, making them wonder what will happen next. The writers of the movie try to use color and grain to distinguish between “the matrix” and “the real world” (Kleinman, 2000). While in “The Matrix,” the scenes are mostly lit by the sunlight since they take place outside. Most of the scenes shot indoors are dimly lit with just enough lighting to see the main characters. The costumes for the movie are dark colors, most of the people are in suits and are professional looking. Sunglasses are a crucial part of the character’s costumes. “The Matrix is the kind of film in which sunglasses are an integral part of sleekly staged fight scenes” (Maslin, 1999). Three colors are

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