The Many Great Aspects Of High School

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Five of the greatest years of your life occur throughout high school, what makes these years so great is not overly obvious until they’re actually over. You experience times that you’ll always remember; great sports moments with your favorite high school teams, and you get the great feeling of closeness and structure from the school, along with the people you’ll never forget; this half-decade serves as a great period to form new bonds that may or may not last an eternity, and to strengthen friendships that already existed going into this new period of life. When these years are done, you’ll be a changed person, in most cases, for the better. One of the many great aspects of high school is the new friendships that are formed, along with the existing ones that are strengthened. When your high school life begins, you’re very secluded, and tend not to branch off from your current group of friends to try and meet new people. You feel comfortable seeing familiar faces, but once you’re able to break out of that shell, you realize what you’ve been missing out on. There are all sorts of ne...

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