The Major Causes Of The French Revolution

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The French Revolution of 1789- 1799 was a time of change for many people of France. The Revolution led to many changes in France which at the time of the Revolution, was the most powerful state in Europe. The major cause of the French Revolution was the disputes between the different types of social classes in French society. Harsh economic conditions brought high taxes and bad harvests resulted in suffering for the revolutionary women. They broke people down in Three estates: 1st was made up of the clergy, 2nd was made up of the nobility, and the 3rd was made up of the peasants ( most of the population.) The third estate was the only one being taxed. The women of the French Revolution agreed with the basic universal goals of the French Revolution in that they, sought to achieve equal rights and a representative society, so women can achieve their goals. The economic conditions of the revolutionary years helped fuel the women of the French Revolution to speak out about their living position. For example, bad harvests brought about high prices which led hunger to poorer peasants an...

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