Society During the French Revolution

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The thesis of this study is how society was during the French Revolution from
1789 to 1799. French Revolution during this time went through significant changes from the beginning when society was run by the wealthy class and being undemocratic and changed to being a democratic state.

From 1789 to 1799, the French Revolution was a “cataclysmic political and
social upheaval.” French society was going though a hard period in France that

was the French Revolution. “Recent scholars tends to downplay the social class

struggle and emphasize political, cultural, ideological, and personality factors in
the advent and unfolding of the conflict.” The French Revolution was caused by

the unhappiness of peasants being taxed by the ruling classes of nobility, clergy,

and bourgeoisie. In addition to being taxed, the high prices of food made many

people revolt against the ruling class. The peasant women who bought the food

really revolted against the high prices.

The French Revolution’s riots started on July 12th, and on July 14th, the

storming of the Bastille (royal prison that symbolized the depotism of the

Bourbons) because of the provocative acts of Louis XXVI. Suspicions also grew

around Marie Antoinette that she was in constant communication with her brother

Lepold II, the Holy Roman emperor. Because of popular suspicions regarding the

queen’s activities and the complicity of the king, the royal family was

apprehended on June 21 at Varennes while attempting to escape from France.

This study will also include the period when public executions was out of

hand. This well-known period in history was called the Reign of Terror. During

Harvey. French Revolution. CD-ROM

Davis. Social Rebellion in French History. p. 9.

this time, society was thought to be in control but went out of hand with the daily

executions of nobles, members of the clergy, and rebels.

On May 5, 1789, the Estates General were to meet at Versailles. “There

was tremendous excitement about that meeting as hopes for change arose from
all sides.” The delegations representing the privileged strata of French society

immediately challenged the third-estate caucus by rejecting its procedural

proposals on methods of voting. The proposals were designed to establish a

system of simple majority rule, thereby ensuring domination of the

Estates-General by the third estate. The deadlock on procedure persisted for six

weeks, but finally on July 17, the insurgent caucus led by Emmanuel Joseph

Sieyes and Honore Gabriel Riqueti proclaimed itself the National Assembly.

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