The Influence Of Digital Media

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What is ownership? How has it changed in recent years with the increase of digital media? With the outstanding increase in popularity for media in a digital format, it has begun to beg the question as to what it means to actually own something. Currently, ownership in the eyes of the customer making a purchase entails having paid for an object/access to use said media, but, to the companies that produce the media ownership has a completely different meaning. With the unclear understanding of what it means to actually own digital media creates issues when it comes to sharing what most people consider to be their own property. In a society where technology is always advancing, finding solutions to this problem/lack of understanding is crucial before it creates addition problems in the future. In a world so driven by technological advancements sharing has become an …show more content…

As a consequence of piracy, U.S. federal, state and local governments lose a minimum of $422 million in tax revenues annually. Of this amount, $291 million represents lost personal income taxes while $131 million is lost corporate income and production taxes. As policy makers turn their attention to the viability of the U.S. economy in the global marketplace, it seems obvious that the problem of music piracy should be afforded a high place on the policy agenda in coming years. “(Stephen E. Siwek) While I can understand the problem with them losing money to people sharing music and other media, studies have shown as well as many living examples of free form platforms generating profit purely off advertisement or via user donations. While I do think piracy is a pretty big issue for the media industry I believe it to be an issue with how they handle file sharing regulation. The video game industry hasn’t had nearly as many issues when it comes to the problems of piracy and file sharing but have been standing in the digital age for media for a lot more time than that of the music

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