Spirit Of Tolerance In Indian Culture

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Tolerance has been proclaimed as the hall mark of Indian culture, and the sense of synthesis. Universal outlook and respect for individuals peculiar to it have shown as flowing from this central point. The basis of tolerance is supposed to be the overall philosophical outlook characteristic of Indian culture and yet Indian culture is supposed to be neither otherworldly nor unsocial, neither fatalistic nor wanting in ethical context. Tolerance is equated with the essence of Dharma or Rta which is the same as the harmony of cosmic order from which creation emerges. To live in conformity with this cosmic order and to dedicate oneself to it are supposed to constitute the Highest Good and, in the attempt to realize this, are said to originate virtues …show more content…

We have also seen that spirituality is the hall mark of indian culture. Since the beginning of Vedas, the seers and rishis had in innovated the experimental and reflective method of gaining knowledge and establishment of way of life. It is the cultivation of inner states it is the inward exploration and aspiration to materialize the human power ability and …show more content…

There are fourteen important languages spoken in different areas and each of those has a rich literary tradition and two hundred different dialects and languages are spoken in the land. Another remarkable feature of the country is that all the world religions are found here, people differ considerably in their social customs and life style and each religion had developed its own peculiar culture. For all this ‘unity in diversity’ tolerance is the main

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