The Importance of the Fight Scene in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

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The Importance of the Fight Scene in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet


The fight scene in "Romeo and Juliet" is a very important set piece.

This scene is very much used be "William Shakespeare" as a way to

connect to the reader viewing it. He tries to allow the reader to have

mixed emotions. Some of the emotions the fight set piece is trying to

display are Hate, Horror, Excitement, fear and tension. The reason why

the reader feels these emotions are because there are many points in

the fight scenes where the main character could have and almost does

get killed.

The context of this set piece is very much heading towards the

dramatic time in which "William Shakespeare" wrote "Romeo and Juliet"

(1595). This is because the why that all the characters would carry

swords around with them and it was seen as the norm. There are many

things that make us accept this. One is the way that Mercutio calls

his sword a "Fiddlestick".

The main reasons which make us anticipate the fight between Tybalt and

Romeo; one thing is that Mercutio shouts before he dies:

A plague on both your houses.

Three times and this really changes the mood of the scene. Also Tybalt

returns and taunts Romeo about Mercutio's death.

2"William Shakespeare" sets this scene at the beginning to really

make the reader sense that there is going to be s fight of some sort

between the Montague and Capulet. He does this by having the

characters saying things like:

And if we meet, we shall not 'scape a brawl

For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring

This concludes to us that Benvolio is anticipating a fight. But

Mercutio se...

... middle of paper ...

...ene is very good at

illustrating the Conflict between the two families, in how when the

arguing is going on the stand on their own side never, near the


The main themes that can be used to describe are Terror, Tragedy and

action with excitement. Mainly because of all the fighting and killing

which all adds you to what the scene represents.

After the moment when Romeo kills Tybalt the reader braces themselves

for what is going to happen after. At the time the reader is most

likely to believe that Romeo will be executed because of the fighting.

Because earlier on in the story the prince says

If you ever disturb our streets again,

Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace,

But never the less the prince decides not to punish Romeo by death but

banish him so the reader does feel relived at this.

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