Essay On Shakespeare's Influence

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Shakespeare can be shown to be a strong influence on many modern aspects of everyday life today, ranging from comedies, tragedies, history, modern television, and many other examples. Shakespeare is well known across the world and will continue to be an influence in the future. His true birthdate is unknown to this day, but his Baptized date was April 26th, 1564 in England. Using Film and Modern television as an example, Shakespeare’s influence can be seen quite easily. He had a lot of work that shows examples of forbidden love or main characters seeking revenge. There are many many movies and films with these as the foundation. What is great about a lot of his work is that they are very universal and do not lose meaning over time. They can …show more content…

His writings have also impacted many poets and popular novelists in the past and present, including Charles Dickens and Herman Melville to name a couple. As an example of where plot is used, Hamlet is a great example where he integrated characterization with plot such the main character and who they are is set in stone. If they were changed in any way, the story would be totally different and would be perceived as something different …show more content…

Jessica appeared as a name for the first time in the Merchant of Venice as Shylocks daughter. He also raised questions about prejudice and race. To this day, Othello on Broadway show ran 296 episodes, which is the longest ever for any of Shakespeare’s plays that were put on Broadway. Catchy phrases have also caught on and are still being used commonly today. If you have ever “been in a pickle”, “gone on a wild goose chase”, you have actually been quoting from Shakespeare’s work like The Tempest, The Merchant of Venice and Romeo and Juliet. Many people today do not know of

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