The Importance Of Water Pollution

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Now lets talk about the third important topic and environmental threat here, water pollution! What is water pollution? I’d be very surprised if you don’t know that yet, schools and whoever provided the education for you definitely should be ashamed of themselves if they haven’t taught you about water pollution. Anyways, without further ado lets head straight to topic.
They say water is life, and indeed they are right. With about 71% of the earth’s cover being water, it unquestionably becomes one of our greatest resources. As young students, we learned about the numerous ways to conserve water. Coming to think of it, water is used in almost every important human chores and activities. It is very important for every living species’ survival in terms of quenching your thirst, …show more content…

As a result of that the abuse of oceans, lakes, rivers, reservoirs, ponds etc is water pollution. Water pollution takes place when substances that will change the water in a negative way are released in it. This pollutants discharge can be direct or indirect. Water Pollution has countless negative effects, ecosystems can be badly changed or destroyed by water pollution, many places are presently being disturbed by careless human-caused pollution, but thankfully, to raise some awareness, this pollution has come back to hurt us in many ways.
According to WHO, 3.2 million children below the age of five years old in developing nations die every year as a result of unhealthy drinking water and substandard sanitation. Diseases such as hepatitis are present in the first place due to eating seafood that was poisoned by water pollution. In many poor areas, there is always an eruption of diseases such as cholera as a result for bad drinking water treatment from pollutant

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