The Importance Of Tribal Mentality In Fitness

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Obesity is one of the biggest issues in America today. Obesity is still present to a lot of people, and they struggle to lose some weight. To get the “body goals” like they want to. Groups are created to help people not being awkward. Tribal mentality in fitness should be encouraged because it helps people to interact with others and to maintain a stable body with motivation. Tribal mentalities in fitness help people to talk, help, and socialize with other people and not themselves. Is a group that athletes join together and share energy and enthusiasm with new people. Being alone in the gym will not make the person motivated, and to keep on going. They will feel the guilt of giving up on working out. That will discourage the person in not …show more content…

An individual going to the gym by themselves will not motivate them on anything they do. That is why people like to have a buddy, trainer, or group with them so they can work harder, and show those persons how they can work hard and not give up. Being alone will make them give up, and stop their exercise because they think they can’t do it. In the contrary, having someone makes them compete, accomplish, work harder, and not give up on any exercise they give them. Because that person will not put an individual to rest, a trainer will make the other person sweat and be super exhausted. For example, a 12th grader went to the gym alone, and didn’t know what to do. So he started working by himself, and do easy exercises. However, he put a timer of 60 second of doing squats, but he stop half way. He stop because he thought he could not finish. Because he puts in his mind that he can not finish. In the contrary, if he had a trainer or a group of friends, those persons will eventually make him go, and not stop in something that he can’t do. Because he is being pushed by someone else, and that someone else makes sure for that person no to give up, and to keep going. That person makes sure he knows that he is capable of doing …show more content…

Time pulls the person of not having something they want. Of not reaching their body goals, or not even go to the gym. Time, is the consequence that people put in their list because they have school, homework, family, jobs, or etc. Time has to be split and thought about for someone to make the time, to make 30 minutes on going to the gym. Therefore, this needs to stop and the benefits that are provided here are right, and they help everyone. In conclusion, this tribal benefits help someone of not feeling awkward and alone. They have the push to maintain a good physical, and to have the push of someone else. Of them not feeling like they can’t, and to feel powerful of

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