The Importance Of The Printing Press

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The printing press was one of the instruments that led to the spreading of knowledge that we have today. The European press was invented in 1450 in modern day Germany. The press was by far not a new idea to some people. The Chinese invented it in the 11th century. Before the press was invented the common way of having books printed was to have a group of monks copy the work page by page. It has been said the once the type for a page of a book had been set then the press could do the work of any of the best monks in Europe (Calliope 21.8). The invention of the printing press is considered a great leap forward that allowed the common man or women to think for themselves. The press allowed the mass production books and the circulation of books A man in Iowa could buy a Quran and read it, and then from there he can make the desertion to convert to Islam. The fact that he can get the Quran and then read it was a huge leap forward for a time now it’s common. People could walk into a bookstore and buy the Bible, Quran and Mein Kampf (I can’t recommend doing that, unless you want to become familiar with homeland security.) The press had a humble beginning being invented first by the Chinese in the 11th century then by Johann Gutenberg in 1450 in modern day Germany. The press was very stressful to print one page of a book; the printer had to set every letter backwards. The smallest mistake would drive any man to tear out his hair. Before the press monks would have to spend hours to copy one page of a texts; once they get the text set up properly they could complete the work of hundreds of monks in hours intend of days (Calliope 21.8). Then from there the printers would ether sale the books to stores or give the texts to the patron that ordered them. The press led to the increase circulation of books which wide access to knowledge that we have today in the form of libraries and schools (Bram, Dickey p1). A third grade today could know more general knowledge then a normal person in the late 15th century. The press had a profound effect on the ways that cities worked. By the mid-1500’s every major city The Founding Fathers would use the print media to start their revolution to found one of the most religious tolerance nation on the face of the world, The protestant revolution has owes a great debt to Johann Gutenberg who made it possible to spread knowledge all over the Europe then to the rest of the world, the mass production of books and other forms of text, this allowed people to form their own options and think for themselves. We live in a time were a child knows how to read and write better than any men, women of child that spent their whole lives reading and writing in the 16th century. This is because we have children reading and writing at a younger age. We today owe a great debt to Johann Gutenberg and the Chinese that invented their presses. These men and women would change the world on a slow manner that their much help in the formation of the way we spread

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