The Importance Of Sunday Eucharist

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Sunday Mass is described by the National Liturgical Council (2004) as the central and most important day of the week in Christian life. The celebration of Sunday Eucharist is of paramount importance because the community comes together on the Lords Day of rest to remember the resurrection of Christ (Diocese of Owensboro, n.d.). It is through this ritualistic gathering that the entire Catholic community comes together. We are called to gather in Church on Sunday’s to pray, give thanks and show respect to our God as he invites us to the feast of his own son, Jesus Christ, through the Eucharist (Bianchini, 2008). This Eucharistic celebration, where we relive and hear the words Jesus’ used with his own apostles during the Last Supper, is the “ultimate worship” (para. 8). We receive the body and blood of Christ through the bread and wine the priest blesses during the mass. …show more content…

SCAP enables the community to continue to have an opportunity to participate in worship on the Lord’s Day, and as long as this ritual is used and implemented for the appropriate reasons it is acceptable and recognised in the Catholic Church. Due to the absence of the priest, the one major aspect of Sunday worship which is affected is the Eucharist. The usual seven actions conducted by the priest is decreased to one as consecrated bread and wine are used. The “taking, giving thanks and praise (and), breaking and pouring” (Diocese of Owensboro, n.d., p.7) do not occur and thus even though Eucharist is celebrated, the true holy communion is not actually received. Also, it is essential that a Liturgy of the Word must precede the distribution of Holy Communion (Liturgy Office England & Wales, 2013). Hence, it is not acceptable for anyone to receive Holy Communion for the first time during a SCAP (National Liturgical Council,

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