The Importance Of Shame

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Shame is defined as both a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt and a condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute. Shame can be an excellent tool to motivate a person to readjust their unacceptable behavior. It can also be painful as well as humiliating when others are unsympathetic. People can be shamed by their appearance, the way a person conducts their self in a public setting, or even stating their opinion. It seems that today there is an increase in being shamed by others due to a boost in social media usage. Within minutes of sharing a post online, that post can travel to thousands of different people. Shame can be both beneficial as well as harmful. When used correctly, many people can learn valuable lessons from being shamed for their ill behavior; Use shame maliciously and people can suffer emotionally and mentally. …show more content…

A person may be shamed as a result of their appearance. Often, when going out into a public place, you’ll encounter someone wearing clothing that isn’t very flattering. Simply go to the grocery store. There you’ll witness the disastrous outfits people choose to wear. Pajama and yoga pants seem to be the biggest fad. Quite honestly, it looks as if they were too lazy to get dressed. Not only are sleeping clothes as well as work out pants unsightly, but people tend to wear things that are several times smaller than the size they require. Today, people should be ashamed of the way they dress when going out. This type of shaming can be beneficial because it could potentially allow the person to understand the need to dress more appropriately. As a result of dressing more appropriately, they’ll be more respected and taken more seriously. Shaming someone based on their appearance can also be negative. Take, for instance, a person is seen in town and they have worn out clothes with stains on them. Perhaps, at first glance, one may assume they are lazy or have no concern with

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