The Importance Of Neutralism In The Color Of Water

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This omen proves to be very fitting when discussing the relation of many forms of art and its proportion to real life events. The reality we face today, could’ve been predicted by a philosopher, or prophesied by a religious figure, but what we seem to learn over time, is that art, which is in the form of literature that is The Color of Water, has unambiguously proven the theory suggested in the quote. While belief in religion or in a person is under the discretion of the individual, the pure imitation of themes and tribulations that occur in this memoir cannot be denied. The theme of Origins, through the ideal that we could escape our beginnings is challenged, both through life and through the book. It is my belief, that while your blood …show more content…

To address the question, I vehemently say no, we cannot choose to ignore questions about race if thinking about them is uncomfortable. I am convicted that a large percentage of the problem with Race in America is that there hasn’t been anyone to publicly address the issues that exist. The suppression of racism is a disgusting reality we face day to day, because the “race issue” is now more complex than it has ever been. Racism is now characterized alongside with prejudice, and stereotyping, and today’s open forum society just allows this complex term to breathe and thrive. I believe racism stems from the ever present ideal of a “normality” as expressed in previous paragraphs. Ruth’s mother, Mameh, had her sent to New York to abort a baby, because a black child, because he had a black father, was an abnormality, an abomination. Some people would agree with the Mameh’s actions, and that 's because of the ideal of the ideal of “normality” that has existed in this country since its incarnation. The juxtaposition the “non-white” races have been placed in over history and even existing today seems worsen over time because of beliefs that reforms and bills cannot protect races of people it wasn 't designed to protect, and that the “colored” can’t seem to advance past the ideal that they have to fit within this “normality.” So to the race theme, I end with this notion: in strives to end the continual two and a half century fight for “normality”, is the possible for us to start to allow life to imitate art, so we can finally dissipate this ideal of a “normality”, in hope for an exchange to a holistic acceptance of

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