The Importance Of Letting Go Of The Past

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Parents must be willing to let go of their past, and whom they think they are so that their children can develop their individual ego.

It is obvious that the memories of the past will stay with us and continue to haunt us. Letting go of the past is to release these images, fears, disappointments, attachments, and emotions that bind our spirit.

In other words, it’s only when we let go of who we think we are, only then we can become what we want to be. As long as you are aware that your sufferings are not yours, and that you are not your identity or story, it’s perfectly okay not to know where you are going.

Unfortunately, our entire perception of the self is a mental build up and it does not speak up of whom we are. The image of the self is created to preserve your position within the word and indicates whom you represent. In other words, the “self” views the self from the shame perspective. However, shame loves secrecy and hates when we reach out and tell …show more content…

Being authentic or genuine means having the courage to be imperfect and allowing ourselves to be defenseless and vulnerable. Being genuine requires wholehearted living and loving - even if we are grappling with shame and disgrace of not being adequate. Being genuine means to experience intense happiness even if we are afraid or reluctant to let ourselves feel it. If we start becoming genuine or real, then we start welcoming beauty, happiness, and thankfulness into our lives.

Shame, accusations, lack of respect, disloyalty, and the withholding of affection harm the roots from which love develops. Love can survive these wounds in the event that they are recognized, recuperated, and rare.

Genuineness may be an assortment of decisions that we've to create daily. It's regarding the decision to show up and be real. The selection to be honest and allow our true selves be

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