The Importance Of Globalization In Disney

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The world is always moving and changing and humans have learned to adapt and embrace these changes. The increase in technology, and new concepts around transporting and globalizing the world there will always be a changes within a culture, food, music, politics or even transforming the whole culture into something that is modernized. The world is becoming more diverse in sharing our different customs, and there is an increase in productivity and creating connections around the world that within the last century would not have been imagine. The spread of globalization has contributed out positive effects, and should be encouraged in many places around the world, with the encouragement of globalization issues can be minimize by the spread of …show more content…

Developing into an international food chain that is thriving and reaching new places. The “Mc local” processes is providing more jobs to people and creating new connections through food. Many people may not be a fan of Mc Donald’s taste, but they have successfully become international, and they are not alone as the animation and franchise name Disney is an international business, which has developed new animations to fit the different racial and cultural background that all fans of Disney come from. These connections makes the world seem smaller and in millennial generation is a strong key that drives on their culture, by creating more opportunities to see represents of people from different back ground around the …show more content…

In the book behind the beautiful forevers that focuses on different people who reside in Annawadi focuses on people who considered themselves as the “undercitzens” who wants to get by and live a better life. Globalization is encouraged and welcomed in India, but has not been utilized besides the vast stereotype that Americans see in the media as neither as Bollywood type of living where everything is lush and colorful while the reality is the opposite and many places there are of high wealth of close to places like Annawadi. A way of life for one of the people the book life that might have had a drastic change it globalization was encouraged more in India would be Asha. Asha was the women of the house, and was the main person that held resources, and strived to be educated, and wanted to become a teacher while she was at work. Her personality may seem brash and harsh, but she believed that she could be in the winner’s circle and “Eight years after arriving in Annawadi and investing her hopes for economic betterment in political work, she had an influential patron. In time she imagined even the men of Annawadi would have to admit she was becoming the most powerful person in this stinking place” (Pg.19, Boo). Asha dealt a hand of cards that was not easy, but she made it work. It can be questioned if her motives are seen as immortal, but some will simply see her as a women how is determined to

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