What Are The Importance Of Friendship?

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Introduction Friendship was the social emotion characteristic I observed. Friendship is a relationship between two individuals who mutually trust each other, and the two individuals mutually consider each other friends. Friendship was important during school-age years, because friendship helped children in the process of trusting their peers. During school-age years, friendship helped children understand the importance of commitment. Children learn to think of a compromise that benefited the two individuals when they had a disagreement. Friendship helped children become sensitive to the feelings of their peers. Friendship was important, because children seek for support from their friends when they were feeling upset.
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Child 1, Child 2, child 3, and child 4 were seven years of age. Child 1 was eight years of age. I recruited child one with the help of my neighbor. My neighbor had a daughter who fit the age range for my report. I asked my neighbor for permission to ask her daughter a few questions. I demonstrated my neighbor the questions, and she agreed for me to interview her daughter. I interviewed child one at her home. Her mother left us alone in a bedroom, so no one interrupted. Child 1 was comfortable with the questions I asked. Child 1 responded quickly, and with long answers. I recruited child 2 and 3 with the help of my aunt. My aunty owns a Zumba Fitness club, and some mothers attend the session with their children. I asked my aunty if she knew children around the ages six to eleven for an assignment I had in class. She invited me to ask some of the mothers if I could ask their child a few questions. I demonstrated the two mother the questions as well, so they could know what I asked their children. Unfortunately, I asked the children the questions at the Zumba Fitness club. That was the only time available the mothers had. Although, I did interview child 2 and child 3 separately. Both children were a bit distracted by the noise around them. They took longer in answering the questions. I recruited child 4 with the help of my significant other. His neighbor had a child who fit the age range for my report. Before, I went to his neighbor’s house. He explained to his neighbor the purpose of my assignment. I interviewed child 4 at his

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