The Importance Of Education In Education

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Education is critical component to a person’s success. It play a key role in an individual’s access to a productive future. Higher levels of education are indicative of higher earnings, more fulling employment, and a better quality of life (OCED, 2008). Unfortunately, so many of our children do not have access to schools that take accountability for their success. To remedy this situation, government policies such as No Child Left Behind were put into place. Despite the intent of the programming, millions of children in our country have been left behind. While the numbers are improving, our schools are still losing too many children. Every year, over 1.2 million students fail to graduate in the United State- that is a child every 26 seconds or 7,000 students each day (US Department of Education). For far too long, our system has specifically failed certain groups of students who do not fit the norm of our educational system. There is an alarming disparity between white middle-class norms and norms for students of different race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, language, and familial background (Linton, 2011). When schools accept this reality and put processes into place to address these very real issues, …show more content…

Making the effort to model listening and respect will make a tremendous impact on the the climate at my future school. Listening is a key quality to a principal 's success. One principal, Tracey Roberts, found that by listening and learning more about her student’s interests and needs helped her teachers learn to take a stronger interest in their individual classrooms. Her modeling has helped her teachers take more time to listen and show they care before responding to difficult pupils, parents or situations (Roberts, through Hopkins,

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