The Importance Of Active Listening Skills

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In applying the skills to a case scenario, I found it difficult to focus and use my active listening skills. I do know that in an ideal situation, I will more than likely be one on one with my client and will generally conduct the interview in a quieter atmosphere, allowing me to focus better on what the client discloses. However, with continuous practice I believe I will be able to overcome becoming distracted by background noises.
What skills do you feel you performed well?
Overall I feel I preformed most of the skills well considering I interview caregivers of sexual assault survivors daily. The tone of voice exercise was one I feel I did extremely well. With my current job, I learned early on that tone of voice is very important. As …show more content…

One of the social work principles is that social workers should “behave in a trustworthy manner” (National Association of Social Workers, 2008). How can clients trust a social worker to help them work through their challenges if they are not providing them with their undivided attention by demonstrating appropriate eye contact, which is based on the culture of each client, by not presenting themselves with a caring demeanor, and asking open-ended and closed-ended questions in order to get a clear understanding of what brought the client into the office. Also important to helping clients feel comfortable is the social worker being aware of their body posture, being fully present and practicing active listening, and presenting themselves as …show more content…

I must remember to stay away from the double barrel questions. I also need to avoid utilizing questions that begin with “have you” and “are you”. When interviewing clients, I should focus on using open-ended questions to allow the client to tell their story in their own way, and minimize the use of close-ended questions, unless they are necessary to gain specific information.
Another skill that needs improvement is my use of active listening. Every client and every situation is different, and even though we practiced our skills in a conference room with other students and I found it difficult to concentrate, there may be times as a social worker when I may be in a noisy atmosphere and I have to practice tuning out background noise in order to hear what my client is disclosing.
The use of professional language presented somewhat of a challenge to me as well. It was difficult attempting to retrain my brain to say the term sexual assault survivor when I have referred to them as victims of sexual abuse. However, I am eager to provide my colleagues with updated knowledge about professional terminology and incorporate it in my daily

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