The Importance Of Diversity In Financial Industries

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In my eyes, there are many reasons I think diversity is important. I have outlined the most important to me. We live in a world and system dominated by white individuals. I find it necessary to be the best at financial advising in a field that is not shaped for me. I have made it my personal mission to be a dominant force and a highly respected individual in the financial industry. The main reason we need diversity in the financial industries profession is because minorities need a voice. Another great reason is to subdue a system that oppresses minorities and most likely will sway large minority investors from dealing with a company dominated by whites. the final reason i feel it is very important is because the field has only had one point of view. I will not say that every white person has had the same upbringing, never had hardship or that a minority has not lived a better life than a white person, but I will say that the minority experience is still truly different. Specifically in reference to myself, I will bring a specific flavor a white counterpart , simply cannot recreate. In saying these things, i do not want to be seen as prejudice, but I want everyone to see the true benefits of minorities in the workplace and the way people around me think and behave. …show more content…

These hand me down relations need to be stopped. I want to be the super-iconic imposition of the true spirit and work ethic all my fellow colleagues share. We are so far past the stereotypes placed on minorities and I want them to be changed to minorities have the best possible abilities for the job. When I am on top, then I will want it to be a fair playing field on both

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