The Importance Of Critical Thinking: Analytically Or Trait For Students?

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Critical thinking isn’t thinking analytically or negatively, but rather an effective method to conduct evaluates. A huge disparity exists between educators, administrators, and legislators acknowledgement of the importance and priority of critical thinking in academia. The argument is, when does critical thinking become a teachable trait for students? Most acknowledge the importance of critical thinking, but differ in the institution’s priority to teach critical thinking over basic learning skills and sciences. Learning is transitory and superficial, therefore critical thinking should be systematically designed into the curriculum. Critical thinking skills are beneficial and designed to develop skills, abilities, and values crucial to student’s …show more content…

It is an educated method of thoughts that an individual use to evaluate the validity of something. Although the process has logical steps, most students failed to fully understand how to become a critical thinker. Sternberg, Ennis, and Lipman assert that critical thinking skills are not a fixed entity, but a form of intelligence that can be taught (16-19). Students often rely on their knowledge of simplistic thinking, intuition, guessing and other techniques not based on a set of facts or standards. Some make generalities based upon pop culture, current events and social media. An example may include two course syllabuses, one listing “Critical Thinking” and the other “Decision Making”. Although the objectives are the same, the student often will select a relatable or familiar subject. Another aspect of critical thinking is the ability to approach a problem rationally. Rationality requires the analysis of information, and making judgments based on fact, rather than opinions. Identifying and eliminating prejudices, allow a unique and objective approach to a problem solving. In rationality, referring to the above example, the student would read the requirements of both courses, review the cost of required textbooks, and select the class in line with a degree program. Halx and Reybold (2005) determined, after much review and research, that learning requires effort, but …show more content…

This helps expose students to situational examples to develop and refine their critical thinking skills. Educators generally incorporate critical thinking principals in grammar school and college lesson plans. This process ensures students can demonstrate their ability to utilize critical thinking skills in different settings. They understand that students beginning college often lack the cognitive ability needed for critical thinking. Students also possess limited ability to process abstract ideas. (Weiss) states, “absorbing copious amounts of information quickly, organizing it, dealing with abstractions, and then drawing out implications is the common element in both IQ and critical thinking (p. 236). Proving a direct correlation exists between advanced intelligence and the ability to think critically. Teachers generally require "reactive" thinking from their students. They usually discourage proactive thinking and favor activities that require a single correct answer which leave no alternative ways of

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