The Importance Of Amazon Rainforestation

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Did you know at the rate we take down trees now about half Amazon Rainforest will be gone by 2030. We need to stop deforestation. Some say that deforestation will produce more job openings but is that really more valuable than the lives of many species? We need to stop deforestation because it contributes to the extinction of wildlife. Wood is a limited resource. If we clear the forest then we may never discover valuable medications. We need to open our eyes and realize this is a big problem.
Deforestation is destroying species. The Amazon Rainforest is home to about 50% of all species on earth. Many of these species are going to be in danger because their home is disappearing. Many acres of the Amazon Rainforest is destroyed every day. This means that everyday species who live on those acres lose their homes. When people want to clear land in the forest they can use a method called slash and burn. The slash and burn method clears big sections of land fast although it does not save any lumber. This method creates a large amount of carbon dioxide gas and this is no good for the animals. Many species will die if we continue doing what we are now. …show more content…

As you know trees take in carbon dioxide (what we breath out) and turn it into oxygen (what we breath) we cannot survive without trees. In the time you say your name a forest as big as a football field is cleared. This is tragic and we need to stop this. 11,500 square miles of just South American forests have been cleared each year. We need to realize that it takes a long time for trees to grow. One tree can be worth 100s of dollars but as there are less the price continues to creep up. This is not good because everything made of wood will rise in prices like furniture, railroad ties, and even toys. Trees are a limited resource so we have to reduce the amount we cut

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