The Importance Of A Sports Bra

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How do you wrap 'the girls' if you go running?

I confess that mine have to do mostly with a 'normal' underwire bra. Once I had a pretty c-cup, but after five pregnancies are my girls dwindled to a small A-cup. And so I thought that a simple underwired bra was enough. Until I wrote this post

The importance of a sports bra
Because when it comes to the opinions loud and clear about the combination breasts and running: wear a sports bra

Why have your breasts need support?
Breasts consist of soft tissue. Not muscle. They are held in place by the skin, and by the so-called Cooper's ligaments.

That once stretched ligaments, then the noooit properly. Compare them but with an elastic band that you stretched too far. That remains forever uitgelubberd. Therefore, a good sports bra so important. This will prevent the Cooper
Just some tough numbers:

An ordinary bra reduces the "bounce effect" of your breasts by about 38%
A sportbh reduce the bounce effect of your breasts by as much as 78%
And for those who are not yet convinced, "Unsupported breasts during exercise leads to irreversible damage breast."

What exactly is a sports bra?
A sports bra is distinguished from an ordinary bra because it provides more support. And the material is often also stronger. Incidentally, this is precisely the reason that I often wear a regular bra: that I think are better than a sports bra. I just do not like tight clothes. But never mind. A sports bra is often at the bottom a solid broad band, and the straps are wider and sturdier than a regular bra.

3 types of sports bras
Within the genre sports bra you have three models:

1 model flattens your breasts, and thus prevents them from going to bounce around. This model still looks most like a short cut camisole.
One model that has a plettende operation, but where your breasts do sit in two separate cups
1 model wherein each breast is in a separate cup. This model looks more like a normal

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