Breast Lift Surgery Essay

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Breast Lift Surgery – Rewrite
Most women want to have firm, perky and sexy breasts because it makes them feel good about themselves. However, over the years, factors such as aging, breastfeeding, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, heredity, gravity and others can have a toll on their breasts causing them to lose firmness and change shape. Sagging breasts are not only unsightly, but also cause embarrassment and to women. As a result, some are willing to go to any length to get their strong and firm breasts back. One of the medical procedures that can help women rectify the sagging is breast lift surgery.

If you’re considering this procedure, it’s only natural that you have questions. Understanding breast lift surgery in detail can help you decide …show more content…

Breast lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that helps to restore the youthful shape of sagging breasts for both smaller and larger-breasted patients. During the procedure, excess skin is removed and breast tissue reshaped to raise the breasts to a higher position and restore their firmness. If done correctly, a breast lift often produces excellent results that go a long way in boosting the self-image and confidence of the patient.

Will a Breast Lift Alter My Breast Size?

No. Breast lift surgery helps to change the contour and position of breasts, making them look firmer. However, it does not significantly change your breast size. Therefore if want your breasts to look bigger, you should consider having breast augmentation surgery. Similarly, if you’re interested in smaller breasts, consider having breast reduction surgery. Most often, breast lift can be done at the same time as breast augmentation or reduction if a patient desires.

Is Breast Lift Right For Me?

The best candidates for this cosmetic surgery are women who:

• Have sagging breasts that constantly bother …show more content…

You also get the chance to ask any questions that you may have about the surgery. Therefore during consultation, you should expect your surgeon to ask you various questions, to help him evaluate your condition correctly. Examples of what you’re likely to be asked include, if you’re currently taking any medications, your medical history, your family history, as well as your expectations. It’s very important that you answer all the questions accurately and honestly to reduce any chances of complications and to protect your

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