The Impact of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on Soldiers

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"The armed forces are for you". "Join the armed forces". "Fight for your country". These are the slogans that today's youth hear and see all over the media. They hear nothing but the positive aspects of the armed forces. They never stop to think what kind of life that soldier lives when he/she returns home after their time served.

American soldiers or soldiers in general are considered to be heroes. They put their lives on the line to help protect their country. However what few people seem to realize is that a soldier's battle is not only out there on the battle field. It is in their everyday lives during and after their time served. It is very common for soldiers to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD for short. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a mental condition that results in a feeling of sadness and remorse, the sense of irreplaceable loss, and a sensation of fright and horror due to a traumatizing experience (Young, 3). This disorder is very popular among soldiers after war. Cases of PTSD were found in the majority of soldiers that served in World War I and in World War II. However the most recognized cases were founded after The Vietnam War (Young, 3). Soldiers had a feeling of shame and memories of battles and visuals of the traumatic experience would flash in and out their heads at any given moment in time. They wouldn't sleep because the visuals would awake them. These are the untold stories of a soldiers life.

Though the media tells us to join the armed forces and to fight for our country one should ask why it refuses to give the other side of the story. Why doesn't the media tell us about post war? Why does it keep the other side of the story away from those they are recrui...

... middle of paper ... This is what you won't see on your evening news.

You will never hear the other side to a soldiers life or the other side of war. The media won't portray that because then there wont be as many people as there is now to join the armed forces. They refuse to display the truth because they know if they do people will pick it up and begin to see the faults in our society and that is not what the government wants at all.

The next time you see a promo for the armed forces just really think about what you are getting yourself into. Remember who you are seeing on the television are actors. Ask those who actually participated in the armed forces. See if it is really the place for you. And the next time you hear the media and the news say something about the war or anything of that nature second guess them. I mean who are they trying to protect us, or their job?

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