Lack Of Control In The Hunger Games By Suzanna Collins

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The Hunger for Control A main theme that surrounds young adults today is the feeling of a lack of control. Once you turn sixteen you can drive a car, get a job, and gain other responsibilities. But you are still bound to many rules, you still have to go to school, live with your parents or guardian, and follow their rules. A taste of freedom is given, but quickly taken away. This makes the transition into being an adult very hard for many young adults. That is why the book The Hunger Games by Suzanna Collins appeals to young adult readers so much more than others. The main character, Katniss, has no control over her life, but soon she gets the chance to gain that control whether the powers above her like it or not. The rebellion of Katniss …show more content…

Katniss lives in a world where people live in twelve different districts. Each district preforms some task to help keep the capitol up and running, Katniss lives in district twelve where coal is mined to power the capitol city and other districts. Each district is poorer than the last with twelve being the last. This is another form of a lack of control in Katniss’s life. The capitol keeps a very strong grip on the districts so no one gets out of line and rebels. The biggest way they do this is by having a reaping once a year where one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen are chosen from each district to fight to the death in the hunger …show more content…

Katniss remembers how before she started hunting her family was starving because her father had died in a mining accident. This was the first major feeling when having no control hit Katniss. With her father gone Katniss mother went into a deep depression, making Katniss have to grow up and take the place of her father in taking care of the family. But this job was much harder than Katniss had expected and soon she was starving and about to die. She sat under a tree by the baker’s shop where Peeta saw the starving Katniss and burned some bread that would get sent to the trash. Even though he had never spoken to her Peeta did this so Katniss and her family could eat. Katniss was grateful for this kindness, but was not happy, she saw this as her being weak and did her best to not look that way to anyone else

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