Analysis Of The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins

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The novel, The Hunger Games, written by Suzanne Collins takes readers to a future country known as Panem. In the nation of Panem, a trilling event takes place once per year. This event is known as the Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is a nationwide event that brings two, so called “tributes” from each district to the Capital. Many districts have been established in the nation of Panem, but they all revolve around the core of the country known simply as the Capital. The 24 tributes are chosen randomly on a day known as the reaping. After they are chosen, they are sent to fight in a “fight to the death” match. The future of each tribute lies only in the hand of him or herself and their personal team of trainers and stylists. When a girl becomes chosen as tribute and must fight in the Hunger Games, her sister Katniss competes in the games and goes through many hard times and situations just to become the victor in the end.
Suzanne Collins, the author of the Hunger Games trilogy, was born in the city of Hartford, Connecticut. Collins was born on August 10, 1962, and is currently living with her husband Cap Pryor. The two of them currently live in Connecticut with their two children She was a very well-traveled girl in her younger years, living in places such as Brussels and New York City, due to her father’s job in the Air Force. During this time, Collins was exposed to many things including poverty and undernourishment, which assisted in her inspiration for the Hunger Games. When Suzanne was in her high school years, the family lives in Alabama. She graduated from the Alabama School of Fine Arts, and move onto Indiana University where she received her undergraduate degree in theater and telecommunications. Collins then received her...

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Symbols in the Hunger Games include the Mockingjay, the poisonous berries, and the nation in which Katniss lives, Panem. The Mockingjay represents the communication between Katniss and Rue. The Mockingjays were an attempt, by the Capital, to create spy devices to spy on the people. People found out about the devices and began abusing them. Since they could not use the birds in the districts, the placed them inside of the dome. This later turns into communication between Rue and Katniss in the games. The poisonous berries represent the ability to rebel against the Capital. Katniss used the berries to deceive the Capital toward the end of the Hunger Games. The nation of Panem symbolizes the distraction of the people to create laws and make rules from within the government. The people of the nation have no say in the choices of the government in Panem.

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