The History and Origin of Potatoes

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Potatoes have a popular use in fast food, like French fries, tater tots, hash browns etc. Potatoes can be found in any supermarket, and in many different parts of the world. The Potatoes was actually the name of a short-lived anti-bullying club at Lincoln. What a lot of people don’t know is where they are from, how they grow, and what they are.
Potatoes grow in full sunlight, and need it to survive. They are aggressively rooting plants, which means they constantly grow more roots, which means they need a lot of space for their enormous root systems. They like moist but not soggy soil. If you plant potatoes in soggy soil they will probably rot. They like slightly acidic soil, which is measured at 5.8-6.5 ph. Potato plants are very adaptable, and will grow even if the soil conditions are not perfect. They grow in the early spring, when the soil is about 45 degrees Fahrenheit. They can take a little bit of frost, but can’t take late winter temperatures, or snow. But before you put any of this knowledge to use, you must buy certified growing potatoes. These are selectively bred for growing, and are guaranteed to give a good yield. (The Garden Helper)
The history of the potato ranges all the way back to 3000 BC. Peru’s Inca Indians cultivated them, and they were at the time the size of a nut to the size of an apple. Their potatoes ranged from red to gold to blue to brown to black. In medicine, the raw slice of a potato was put on wounds to broken bones. They carried them to prevent rheumatism, and ate them to avoid indigestion. They also used potatoes to measure time, by the growth of a potato. Spanish conquistadors took them to Europe in 1537. In Europe they were considered evil and poisonous. They were believed to give people lepr...

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...pade. There are other methods such as the grow bag, the wire cylinder, and the raised bed, but explaining all those would turn this paragraph into a long list full of obscure methods that most people don’t use. (Organic Gardening)
As you can see, there is a lot to learn about the potato, excluding the project of shipping 1500+ types of potatoes to the Artic! Potatoes are hardy plants that you can plant in any garden, in any space! I hope you like the potato now!

Works Cited

"7 Ways to Plant Potatoes." Planting Potatoes: 7 Different Methods: Organic Gardening. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2014.

"HISTORY AND ORIGIN OF POTATOES." Potatoes, Their Early Origin & History. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2014.

"How to Plant and Grow Potatoes in Your Home Vegetable Garden." Potatoes, How to Plant and Grow Potatoes in Your Home Vegetable Garden. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2014.

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