The Growing Process Of Human Development And Adolescent Development

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There are certain lives stages that must be pass by every human being, starting from they born to see this challenges world until they decease. Every stage has different development, commitment, and challenges from all aspects. Hence, there are various views from scholars about human development. Cherry (2015) states, “Development does not just involve the biological and physical aspects of growth, but also the cognitive and social aspects associated with development throughout life”. It is obvious that human development process covers all topics of human’s life. The growth process of human being consists of physical, emotional, intellectual, social, perceptual, and personality development. Hence, this study very important in a number of subjects, …show more content…

According to Gross (2004), adolescence is generally considered to begin with puberty, the process that leads to sexual maturity or fertility- the ability to reproduce. Adolescence lasts from about age 11 or 12 until the late teens or early twenties, and it entails major, interrelated changes in all realms of development. The growing process of adolescence covers stages of physical development and cognitive development. The physical changes are controlled by hormones that affecting adolescent growth is present in trace amounts from fetal life. Male and female hormones are present in members of both sexes, but males have more of the hormones called androgens, the most important which is testosterone and female have more hormones called oestrogens and progesterone Craig G.J (1992). During early adolescence, different parts of the body develop at varying rates. Next, the cognitive changes refer to the development of formal operational thought. It requires the ability to formulate, test and evaluate hypothesis. Moreover, adolescents also show an increasing ability to plan and think ahead. Another cognitive ability acquired is the metacognitive ability to think about thinking where teenagers learn to examine and consciously alter their thought …show more content…

After adolescence, human will enter adulthood stage which needs them to behave difference in term of identity and think a way ahead. Human go through the process of emerging adulthood. According to Arnett.J (2000), emerging adulthood is a development for the period from the late teens through the twenties when they are struggling with identity exploration and self-focus. Craig G.J (1992) coined that there are two indicators in order to determine the adulthood which are maturity and age clocks. Informal social definitions of maturity for adult who is employed, financially independent and become a parents. Moreover, age clocks for adult are young adulthood (the 20s and 30s), middle adulthood (the 40s and 50s) and late adulthood (age 60 and over). However, age sometimes could be related with life style and social class. Neugarten B.L & Moore J.W.(n.d) stated that stages in adulthood set by social class, the higher class have a big tendency to delay in the movement of stages. In adulthood stage, they tend to focus more on family relation, career and financial in order to maintain their generation survival. Green.M & Piel J.A (2002) said that becoming so involved in owns career and personal preoccupations is a conflict that has been faced in the adult

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