The Great Cyber Threats In America

613 Words2 Pages

The greatest threat America faces is the threat of terrorism on our national institutions. The paper

utilizes two contributive articles and one supportive article, each having varying angles of discussion

regarding vulnerabilities with respect to cyber issues. In 2013, the President of the United States

(POTUS) and multiple Secretaries of Defense public acknowledged our nation’s vulnerabilities to

attacks from our adversaries (Alexander, Goldman, & Warner, 2013). These vulnerabilities include

potential cyber-attacks against municipal and federal infrastructure, such as industrial control systems

which impact water and sewage systems as well as the military (Brenner, 2013, p.16). The United

States (U.S.) has to ensure that …show more content…

There are threats that pose

great risk to our institutions from a federal, state and local level. Potential at-risk systems are those that

can be connected to the internet such as: energy sources, electric grids, water and sewer systems,

manufacturing, banks, transportation and communication networks (Brenner, 2013, p.15). The fall-out

from a cyber-attack in any of these areas would be harmful at every level of our nation’s institutions. By

attacking the United States’ infrastructure there would be significant economic damage levied as a result

of these criminal actions. Finding the origination of attacks (terrorist source) by utilizing our system of

layered protection is critical in keeping America safe before the terrorist action can be perpetrated.

In order to maintain order and to protect the public from the impact of such dangerous attacks,

the government has had to organize a layered system of structure and responsibilities to maintain a

watchful eye on adversarial behavior. On the domestic front, the Department of Homeland …show more content…

al., 2013, p.21).

Prosecution efforts are led by the Department of Justice (DOJ). The nation is defended against

cyber-attacks by the Department of Defense (DOD). The NSA is the driving force behind the nation’s

oversight of cyber activity through the USCYBERCOM, based in Fort Meade, Maryland. The NSA is

responsible for the oversight of the nation’s cyber-defense activity, but the NSA is not the sole entity for

strategic responsibility. Coordination across all entities (DHS, DOJ, DOD, and NSA) is required in

order to meet the nation’s strategic initiatives (Alexander, et. al., 2013, p.22). On the world stage, the

U.S. government must work with other governments to enforce criminal cyber activity by disrupting

criminal business models and creating international deterrence (Filshtinskiy, 2013, p.28). The U.S. must

lead the effort with our vast resources to ensure our allies are adequate protected against cyber threats.

Based on the information provided in the articles, the U.S. faces a collective threat is

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