The Girl In The Tangerine Scarf, There's No Jose Here

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In the novels The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf, They Poured Fire On Us from the Sky, American Born Chinese, and There’s No Jose Here, there are many reoccurring American characteristics. One common American characteristics between the novels is the opportunity to succeed. Many of the refugees come to America to start a new life where they can become successful and live peaceful lives. Another characteristic of America is the education. The education is America is the best in the world and obtaining that education can lead to a successful future. Having the opportunity to succeed is a large reoccurring American characteristic in the novels. In There’s No Jose Here, the main reason there are so many Mexicans in America is because there is so much opportunity in America. Back in Mexico they are living on barley any money and needed more so many went to America. They were all told stories back in Mexico that going to America and becoming an American would give them the chance to become successful and live a wealthy life. They were told that they …show more content…

The broad and diverse education in America allowed Khandra to broaden her views and give her the freedom that she wanted. She was able to learn about many different views and cultures which she would not be able to learn about in her home country, Syria. In college, Khandra learns much more about the world. The book states, “Khandra felt as if she were standing atop two earth plates grinding as the moved in different directions. The one directly under her was the view of Islam she’d grown up knowing. The other was what she was catching glimpses of” (Kahf 234). Her views were able to be broadened, and she was no longer stuck in the small little world that her parents created around her. This diverse education and knowledge would not be available to her if she was back in Syria, but it is in

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