The Four Stages Of Bruce Tuckman's Theories

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Tuckman’s theory was developed in 1965 by Bruce Tuckman. The theory suggests that when a team is formed, that the team will work through four stages in order to be effective. It is one of the more known team development theories and has formed the basis of other ideas. This theory focuses on the path a team takes in the attempt to complete a task. It begins from the initial development of the team and continues until the end of the project. These stages include:
1. Forming Stage
2. Storming Stage
3. Norming Stage
4. Performing Stage
Forming Stage
In this stage the individuals tend to be shy and nervous about what they have to do. Their personalities don’t normally show through at this stage as they don’t feel comfortable around the other individuals in the group as they have just met. They will be reluctant to give their opinions as they are afraid someone else in the group may disagree and put them down and they will want to be accepted by the others in the group. The group leader should get to know each individual’s personalities better and choose the one with the strongest personality to start a group discussion and hopefully this will encourage interactions within the group. As the group are getting to know each other in this stage they get very little work done. …show more content…

Individuals will fight for authority and influence over the others and some people who are very similar to one another may cause clashes within the group but soon this will sort out and roles are given. The group leader will have to be flexible as they will be dealing with a number of personalities and they will have to learn to use this to their advantage to make the group

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