The Five Elements Of The Five Aspects Of Yin And Yang

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Each of the five elements had a Yin and Yang aspect to it. For instance, there was Yang wood and Yin wood, Yang fire and Yin fire. This perspective of Yin-Yang increased the five elements by two fold to become the ten Heavenly Stems. Table 1: The Ten Heavenly Stems 甲 Jia Wood 乙 Yi Wood 丙 Bing Fire 丁 Ding Fire 戊 Wu Earth 已 Ji Earth 庚 Geng Metal 辛 Xin Metal 壬 Ren Water 癸 Gui Water In addition to the ten Heavenly Stems, there were another twelve Earthly Branches. The twelve Earthly Branches corresponded to the twelve months of the Chinese solar or lunar year. Table 2: The Twelve Earthly Branches 子 Zi Rat 丑 Chou Ox 寅 Yin Tiger 卯 Mao Rabbit 辰 Chen Dragon 巳 Si Snake 午 Wu Horse 未 Wei Goat 申 Shen Monkey 酉 You Rooster 戌 Xu Dog 亥 Hai Pig Since they represented the passage of time, …show more content…

Let us try to fulfil their requests by analysing some of the same charts in “Winds of Change” as examples in the first portion of this book. For the benefit of lay readers who were not familiar with the concepts in Ba Zi, we need to commence by explaining how to read a Ba Zi chart. When we wanted to read any Ba Zi chart, there had to be a starting point or reference point. That starting point was the day master. Everything else in the birth chart was read in relation to this day master. So what was this all important day master about? It was the Heavenly Stem found in the top of the day pillar column of the chart. Why bother about one day in the birth chart? If a person was born on a wood day, his characteristics would be different from another person born on a metal day, even though both of them were born in the same

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