The Factors That Have Shaped Me Essay

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There are many contributing factors that has shaped me into the person I am today. There

is not one person in this world that is exactly the same. Everyone is raised differently, they come

from different backgrounds, morals, religious beliefs, customs, etc. It is important to be aware of

who you are and what you believe in for a number of reasons. For one, you understand yourself

better. Two, you get a better understanding of how your parents raised you. Three, directed more

to the helping profession, you are less likely to impose your beliefs onto others. With this being

said, I know exactly where I come from and who has help me get here.

My family has been very helpful during this journey called life. My parents support me …show more content…

My boyfriend is not only my boyfriend but he is my best

friend. He treats and respects me how I should be. He is also my number one fan and supports

me in my career aspirations in becoming a licensed therapist.

Communication is a big part in today’s day and age. It is also important in the field that I

am going into. This is why I think it is important to be aware of communication challenges. One

communication challenge I have experienced frequently is miscommunication.

Miscommunication causes a load of frustration. A lot of times when discussing something

important with someone else or a group of people they may verbally act like they are being

attentive such as saying: “I understand,” or “right,” etc., but in there head there wondering what

there are going to make for dinner or something else irrelevant. I have been in several groups

before where this has happened and that person doesn’t end up doing what they may have said

they were going to do. It’s easier to tell nonverbally when I person isn’t listening. You can find

those people staring out in space or holding a conversation with another person that isn’t

listening. I find that when people start to “doze off” so to speak, they are normally farther

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