The Effects Of PTSD On Families

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Another leading cause of PTSD most commonly found in this day and age in people is neglect. With all the technology running our planet today and social media, cheating and neglect of important relationships occur quite often. Social media enables people to cheat without even knowing or realizing it as well as takes away precious time you have with the people whom are surrounding you at that moment. Also neglect can occur when violence transpires within the home and can have very serious effects on the ones in the household. “Neglect may be co-morbid with witnessing family violence. In the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, the first nationally representative study of children referred to the child welfare system (Burns et al., 2004), high rates of domestic violence were reported (Hazen et al., 2004). In a twin study of 1116 families of monozygotic and dizygotic 5 year old twin pairs, children exposed to high levels of domestic violence had IQs that were on average 8 points lower than unexposed children (Koenen et …show more content…

How? It can effect the way people see you and feel around you. Why? Usually because something is triggered inside of you causing you to act out in a manner unappealing to others around you. The effect that this can have on the person and the family can be minor or extremely severe. Mentioned previously when going through this illness one can act out in a harmful way to themselves and others and often can be fatal if not treated. “Some studies that point to PTSD as a precipitating factor of suicide suggest that high levels of intrusive memories can predict the relative risk of suicide (9). Anger and impulsivity have also been shown to predict suicide risk in those with PTSD (15). Further, some cognitive styles of coping such as using suppression to deal with stress may be additionally predictive of suicide risk in individuals with PTSD (9).”

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