The Effect of Temperature on Enzymes

633 Words2 Pages

The Effect of Temperature on Enzymes

We are doing an investigation on the effect of different temperatures

on enzymes. An enzyme is a protein molecule which speeds up chemical

reactions. In this investigation the enzyme we will be concentrating

on is amylase. This enzyme is produced by the salivary gland. It

speeds up the break down of starch into simple sugar. This reaction

happens in the mouth and is the start of chemical digestion. Starch

cannot pass through the lining of the intestine, it is too big. The

simple sugar can. This is why we digest our food. In this

investigation we will be testing the starch at 0 degrees, 40 degrees,

60 degrees and 80 degrees.


There are a number of things that may effect the results we may get at

the end of the investigation. These are:

· Complexity- if the investigation is too complex we may run out of

time or end up with poor quality results

· Time- if we do not plan carefully we will run out of time and be

unable to finish the investigation

· Resources- we must check that all the equipment you need is

available and intact and that all the resources, such as chemicals,

are available in the amounts you require.

· Repeating- we must repeat the experiment a sufficient number times.

This is to make sure that we are doing a fair test and getting similar

results every time.

· Fair testing- we must make sure that we are doing a fair test

otherwise the results will be incorrect. We must use the same amount

of chemicals every time and time the experiment the same.


I predict that the enzymes will work best at 40 degrees because it is

nearest to 37 degrees which is body temperature and this is where they

will react in their natural habitat.

I think that the enzymes will not work at 0 degrees because there is

not enough energy for the starch to enter the enzyme in order to make

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