Persuasive Essay On College Food

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Since social media has provided a way for people to share pictures of their food, the college diet has become something of a joke. For every post of someone’s delicious top-tier food, there’s a comment in which an anonymous student says that they’ve eaten nothing but ramen (or similar cheap, easy food) for the last 6 weeks. Asking any of these students why they’ve only eaten cheap, terrible foods is opening oneself to endless jabs about being out of the loop, with only one or two individuals actually explaining it. They’ll claim that they, or other students, eat these foods because they are cheap to buy and easy to prepare when low on time. This could be interpreted as if they eat it because it’s convenient and doesn’t dent their wallet enough …show more content…

Just don’t tell me exercise,” you yell at this faceless author’s sarcastic words, thinking he can’t hear you. Be patient, this is supposed to be fun for both of us. The study showed that college students with the best diets were those that thought about what they ate and acted on those thoughts, buying from organic and sustainable sources. This group was less likely to meet fat consumption targets when compared to the traditional shopper, though. If you’re going to try to be more conscientious about your food, probably keep in mind that the recommendation for fat intake is less than 35%, but don’t go too low and try to stick to mostly unsaturated fats like those found in some fruits like avocado. There was one group identified by the study which was worse than the convenience shoppers, however. The non-shopper, the most common group among students living on university grounds, though relatively small, at half the size of the convenience shopper group. This group is something of a nutritional nightmare, having worse dietary intake for calcium, dairy, fiber and fat than traditional shoppers. This group also was very likely to drink soda frequently, found to be as often as 5 times per

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