Essay About Divorce

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A marriage trend that is becoming more popular especially in the United States is divorce. Divorce is defined as the ending of a marriage by a legal process or a complete separation between two things. It is becoming more and more common in the United States. Divorce may not only effect the people in the marriage, but it may also effect the lives of others. Loneliness can be overwhelming. One might think divorce can be more sad than a death of a spouse. A divorce can be easy to get through or can be an extremely difficult process. In some cases, one person does not want to get a divorce so they try to prolong the arrangement as long as possible. The first step of getting a divorce is filing the petition. One person has to file a petition with the court …show more content…

It is said that people are better off getting remarried if you need help paying bills, especially if you or the spouse were divorced. If you are going through a divorce or went through one, it can be very expensive. You can lose a lot. This can be another great reason on why more people are getting remarried. Its much more easier to live with someone else than by yourself. Remarriage is quite a common trend now. Many people jump in and out of relationships, but what many people do not talk about is the family thats involved in these remarriages. It is said that approximately one third of all weddings in America today form stepfamilies. (2014, Ron L, Deal). The presence of children can make the remarriage more difficult. This is why many kids believe its their fault when their parents goes through a divorce. Divorce and Remarriage goes hand in hand. You can not get remarried unless you divorce someone. Most parents now are getting divorced and moving on with their lives. Children are usually the victim in most cases. In remarriages the new spouse might have children too. Some kids do not always get along. Divorce can be a terrible thing for children and

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