The Difference Between The Fa Afafine And The Samoan Culture

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The Fa’afafine and the Samoan Culture

According to the website, Fa’afafine: The boys raised to be girls (2013), Those classifies as Fa’afafine’s make up an important and accepted part of the Samoan culture. Fa’afafine’s are men who are raised as females and identify with that gender.

The Fa’afafine, which is also known as the third gender, has always existed within the Samoan society. When translated, “Fa’a” means 'in the manner' and “Fafine” means 'women', which basically translates directly to 'in the manner of women'. The Fa’afafine's have a very specific role in the Samoan society and their culture, which is an interesting contrast to transgenderism in the Western society where people who are viewed and who see themselves as being transgender are usually discriminated against, making it a difficult reality for those who are transgender to have active roles in their societies and culture. When looking at today's society specifically, it is clear to see that the Samoan society have a certain appreciation for the Fa'afafine that the western societies lacks, in regards to transgenderism. (Fa’afafine: The Third Gender in Samoa, 2016).

It is therefore important to highlight the difference between the Fa’afafine and the western concept of homosexuals. In other parts of the world, …show more content…

Being a Fa’afafine or the practise of males adopting female gender roles and attributes is deeply embedded in Polynesia. Some Polynesian elders believe there are boys born with the “Fa’afafine spirit”, while others say it can be nurtured. Even though the Fa’afafine are highly accepted in the Samoan culture, there is still rejection that can occur against the Fa’afafine and it therefore all depends on how accepting the person’s family, friends and surrounding environments are (Fa’afafine: The boys raised to be girls,

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